


:2024-10-03 15:27 times
本文摘要:China is building a factory so big that when its done, it will be able to accommodate the construction of four submarines at once-out of sight from military enthusiasts and spy satellites alike.中国正在修建的这个工厂是如此之大,一旦已完成,可以同时修建四艘潜艇——军迷和间谍卫星都看到。

China is building a factory so big that when its done, it will be able to accommodate the construction of four submarines at once-out of sight from military enthusiasts and spy satellites alike.中国正在修建的这个工厂是如此之大,一旦已完成,可以同时修建四艘潜艇——军迷和间谍卫星都看到。According to Popular Science, Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industrial Corporation is building the plant in Huludao, Liaoning Province. The place will have two parallel assembly lines. The gigantic hall reportedly is where China will begin construction on is latest attack submarine, the Type 095.根据大众科学网站报导,渤海造船重工集团正在辽宁葫芦岛修建这个工厂。该工厂将有两条平行的组装线。据报导中国将在这里修建其最新型的反击潜艇095型。

Despite having control over its Internet and press, the Chinese government has had enduring problems with military enthusiasts sneaking pictures of new ships and aircraft under development or construction. While some of this is useful to telegraph Chinas broader intentions and give a hint of its capabilities, the rest of it is considered a nuisance. Building an indoor submarine factory keeps sensitive subjects such as the hull shape of a submarine or even the propeller design a secret.尽管掌控着网络和媒体,中国政府仍然无法制止军迷偷窥修建中的新舰艇和飞机。虽然其中有些可以用来宣传中国更加普遍的意图和重申自己的实力,但是其余的那些则被指出是令人讨厌的泄露不道德。

所以修建一个室内的工厂就可以激进秘密,比如潜艇的外壳形状或者螺旋桨的设计样式。This does not necessarily mean China now has a submarine-building edge over the U.S. The U.S. Navy commissions about two submarines a year, each of which takes about three years to build. That puts U.S. submarine construction at about six at a time, ahead of this factorys four. Of course, China builds submarines at other locations too, and may even build them a little faster.这并不意味著现在中国在潜艇生产上对美国有优势。美国海军每年约服役两艘新的潜艇,每艘三年时间生产。


Speed isnt everything. Even if China ends up capable of building more submarines per year than the United States can, theres the question of quality. The Type 095 is expected to be quieter that the second tranche of Los Angeles-class attack submarines that were built in the late 1980s, and Russian Victor III or Akula-class submarines built in the early 1980s.但速度并非一切。即使中国每年的潜艇修建量少于美国,质量上不一定好。这款095潜艇预计比80年代末期修建的第二批洛杉矶级反击潜艇以及80年代初期修建的俄罗斯阿库拉级潜艇更安静。

In other words, China is approximately 30 years behind the United States in submarine quieting technology. Chinese submarines in the 1980s were about as quiet as American submarines from the 1950s, while modern American submarines such as the Seawolf orVirginia-class boats are so quiet theyre described as quieter at 25 knots than the Los Angeles class at pierside. This is not a field where China has been able to close the gap.换言之,中国在潜艇静音技术上完全领先美国30年。80年代中国潜艇和50年代美国潜艇一样安静,而现代美国潜艇比如海狼和佛吉尼亚十分之安静,被形容为“25节速度航行时都比在码头区的洛杉矶级潜艇安静。





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